To our valued customers who do not live in the UK

Due to issues we have had with sending parcels overseas we have decided not to ship overseas from this website. The items we sell come in all shapes and sizes and our beloved Royal Mail here in the UK have different rates for different size items which result in different prices for different countries and it is simply not possible to offer items available to overseas offering a fair and true postage cost without the chance that we will either charge too much, or indeed not charge enough to cover our costs.

We do not want to lose your custom so would ask that you tell us what items you are interested in and we can work out a correct postage cost to you and let you know how much everything will cost and if you wanted to proceed with the order, we would then send you a Paypal invoice detailing the correct costs to pay and despatch accordingly once paid.

During our time trading on eBay we have successfully shipped products and indeed have customers all over the world from Argentina to Australia, Norway to Israel and many more countries in between and we wish to still be able to offer our products to you so that you have access to some really great products from us here at Limitless Collectables.

use the CONTACT US link on this page or CLICK HERE to send us a message detailing your items of interest.

Shipping Worldwide!